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Durable Medical Equipment

DME (Durable medical equipment) includes walking boots, braces, and splints to name a few. At Cascade Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center, we check each patient’s medical insurance plan so that the patient is fully aware of any expenses they’re responsible for, before receiving the product.

Reasons For Using A Brace, Orthoses, Or DME Include:

  • Support of an injury or fracture to reduce further injury and to allow healing of bone, ligaments, tendons, or other structures.
  • Rest of an inflamed joint, tendon, or nerve. Resting a body part by immobilizing it is an effective way to reduce inflammation.
  • Support instability of a joint due to a ligament tear. Knee braces are commonly used for this purpose.
  • Improve function while you recover from an injury or surgery. For example, if you have a broken foot, a brace can provide enough support so that you can return to work, school,
    or life.
  • Protection of surgical work. Sometimes a surgery requires bone to heal, joints to fuse, or ligaments to heal before you can return to normal activities. Back braces are commonly
    prescribed after fusion surgery to protect the work that your surgeon did for you.
  • Prevention of Sports Injuries.
  • Earlier Return to Sports and Work. At times, wearing a brace or use of another DME will allow you back on the field or play or work sooner than you would if you were not wearing a brace.
  • Much more convenient than a cast! If you fracture can be adequately immobilized in a brace, we may be able to avoid a cast!
  • Keep you straight! Use of custom shoe inserts can help prevent certain deformities from progressing, such as flat feet. Scoliosis braces can prevent your spinal curve from increasing.
  • To relieve arthritic pain. At times braces will be used to “unload” arthritic joints such as your knee or ankle in hopes of decreasing pain due to arthritis.

DME We Carry:

  • Static and Dynamic Knee Braces
  • Custom Knee Unloader Bracing
  • Custom and Off-the-Shelf Sports Bracing for Knee, Elbow, Wrist
  • Iceman Cold Therapy System with pads
  • Orthotics
  • Custom Orthotics- Our podiatry service can provide custom made orthoses or shoe inserts
    to prevent deformity, reduce pain, or improve function.
  • Off the Shelf Orthotics- We offer a wide variety of sizes for Powerstep Orthotic Insoles


  • Custom Orthotics- Our podiatry service can provide custom-made orthoses or shoe inserts to prevent deformity, reduce pain, or improve function.
  • Off the Shelf Orthotics- We offer a wide variety of sizes for Powerstep Orthotic Insoles

Insurance Coverage Of DME

Depending upon your insurance provider and individual plan, your DME may be eligible
for coverage. All our DME is priced affordably if insurance will not cover the necessary
equipment. Fortunately, Medicare Part B covers DME that your physician may prescribe
for you to use at home. To qualify for Medicare coverage, DME must be:

  • Durable
  • Used for a medical condition or injury
  • Not useful to an individual who is not sick or injured
  • Used in your home
  • Able to last for at least 3 years
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