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When is Joint Replacement Surgery the Best Solution for Hip Osteoarthritis?

When is Joint Replacement Surgery the Best Solution for Hip Osteoarthritis?

No one looks forward to surgery. But if you struggle with hip osteoarthritis, a total joint replacement can dramatically upgrade your quality of life, letting you return to the hobbies and activities you enjoyed before osteoarthritis ruined your hip joint.

Though you’ll have some discomfort following the surgery, you’ll be amazed to discover that the severe pain of osteoarthritis immediately disappears. You’ll also start walking right away, quickly getting a preview of how a new hip can restore your mobility.

And you can look forward to long-lasting results. Today’s hip replacements last 15-20 years!

Whether you’re just starting to seek treatment for hip pain or you’ve struggled with hip osteoarthritis so long you can barely move, our caring team at Cascade Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center, P.C. in Hood River and The Dalles, Oregon improves your life with exceptional, comprehensive medical care.

As specialists in joint replacement surgery, our guidance and support have helped many patients make treatment decisions based on the following four steps.

Step 1: Seek conservative treatment

Hip osteoarthritis develops over years of using your hips to walk, run, and stay active. The repetitive movement gradually breaks down the protective cartilage (articular cartilage) covering the hip bones.

Articular cartilage lets the bones glide without friction. As the cartilage increasingly wears away, the bones are exposed and grate against each other every time you move the hip. These changes lead to bone damage, bone spurs, and ligament degeneration.

Osteoarthritis can’t be cured, and the joint damage keeps progressing, causing increasing hip pain, stiffness, and limited mobility.

Surgery to replace the hip is the last option. We start your care with conservative treatments that slow the joint degeneration and ease your symptoms. Your treatment may include:

Seeking early treatment for hip osteoarthritis improves your chances of staying active and pain-free without needing joint replacement.

Step 2: Consider your quality of life

Deciding when to replace your hip depends on the severity of your symptoms and how osteoarthritis affects your quality of life.

You may need to consider joint replacement surgery when:

We monitor your hip with in-office digital X-rays and may recommend a hip replacement when the joint becomes extensively damaged.

Step 3: Learn about hip replacement surgery

During a total hip replacement, we remove the damaged bone and cartilage. Then, we replace the socket and the rounded part of your upper leg with metal prosthetics and insert a plastic liner to take the place of cartilage.

We perform most hip replacements using minimally invasive surgery. That means we make a small incision and use specialized instruments to replace the damaged bones and cartilage.

Minimally invasive hip surgery offers several crucial advantages. Since the procedure causes less trauma, it minimizes blood loss during surgery and causes less pain after surgery.

A minimally invasive hip replacement also accelerates your rehabilitation and recovery, ensuring you're back to enjoying life as quickly as possible.

Step 4: Make your decision 

You’re never alone when faced with a decision about hip replacement surgery. We support you every step of the way, explaining about your hip and what’s happening inside the joint, clarifying your treatment choices, and providing high-quality medical care.

You can depend on us to thoroughly and honestly assess the health of your hip and give you all the information you need to make the best treatment decision.

Call Cascade Orthopedics & Sports Medicine Center, P.C., today or request an appointment online whether you need help with recent hip pain or you have advanced hip osteoarthritis and want to learn more about joint replacements.

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